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St Margaret of Scotland


Ms. Boardman, Mrs. Oldman and Mrs Hope  would like to welcome you to St Margaret of Scotland class page on our school website.

Our class page will be updated on a half-termly  basis so that we can share our learning journey with you as it unfolds over the academic year. 

Our topic this half-term is Welcome to my World.  Through our learning we will be thinking about the philosophical question, 'Is your world the same as mine?'

This term we will be getting to know each other and making new friends. We will learn the routines and rules we need to follow to be a successful learner.

We will be looking at the world around us by looking at the season of autumn and going on an autumn walk. We will think about harvest and celebrate the wonderful world God has created. We will learn poems. Leaves are falling, Chop ,Chop Choppity chop and Five Little Pumpkins.

Our learning will be based on the books Owl Babies, Peace at Last, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Little Red Hen. We will be learning about families and labelling our emotions.

In Maths, we will be learning about grouping and sorting. We will be finding the same and looking closely at the amounts. We will be practising our touch counting and looking closely at the numerals and amounts to five. We will begin to understand that different amounts can make the same number.

In phonics, we will begin our journey of learning to read! We will follow the Little Wandles programme of learning and will learn phase Two sounds. We will have phonics daily and will practice writing the grapheme and learning the phoneme. We will do lots of games and activities to develop our concentration skills.

In RE , we will begin to understand that God loves and cares for us and knows us by our name.

Saint Margaret of Scotland

Each class at St. Patrick’s has a class saint that we learn about throughout the year. We talk about our Saint regularly and encourage the children to learn, talk and ask questions about their Saint. Each Saint has a Feast Day, where we celebrate their lives and what they did in order to become a Saint.

In Hedgehogs, our class saint is Saint Margaret of Scotland. St. Margaret of Scotland was an English princess, then a Scottish Queen before becoming a Saint. St. Margaret of Scotland’s feast day is the 16th of November.